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Album Statistics [More Stats]

Total Albums Total Artists Most Submitted Artist
1339 586 Weezer (12)

Recently Added Albums [Browse]

Artist Title Year Added
Cold Cold 2003 20 years ago
Cold Year of the Spider 2003 20 years ago
Morrissey You Are The Quarry 2004 20 years ago
Live Birds of Pray 2003 20 years ago
Fountains Of Wayne Welcome Interstate Managers 2003 20 years ago
Velvet Revolver Contraband 2004 20 years ago
Gomez Split The Difference 2004 20 years ago
Sparta Porcelain 2004 20 years ago
Muse Absolution 2003 20 years ago
Radiohead Com Lag 2004 20 years ago
Bad Religion The Empire Strikes First 2004 20 years ago
The Ordinary Boys Over The Counter Culture 2004 20 years ago
The Killers Hot Fuss 2004 20 years ago
Ash Meltdown 2004 20 years ago