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New Scientist Enigma Questions

This is a section where the enigma questions set in the magazine New Scientist will be published. New Scientist is published weekly and so there should be a new question posted up weekly. Each publication includes the answer to a previous enigma question, usually 6 weeks previous. Therefore, if that question is unanswered on here, the answer will be posted up.

Enigma Statistics

Total Enigmas Answered Total Responses
407 100 % 8252

Recent Questions [Browse]

Number Title Author Answered Responses
1555 Not A Square Richard England Yes C 14
1554 Many Times Better Susan Denham Yes C 13
1553 Squares From Squares Susan Denham Yes C 9
1552 Prime Products Richard England Yes C 20
1551 The Same Chance Richard England Yes C 13
1550 Eightman Band Gwyn Owen Yes C 17
1549 Same Four Digits Richard England Yes C 7
1548 Easy Threes Susan Denham Yes C 10
1547 Square Dates Richard England Yes C 11
1546 Mini-tangram Bob Walker Yes C 12
1545 Dressed Up To The Nines Susan Denham Yes C 11
1544 Spanish Squares Richard England Yes C 6
1543 Pentagony Adrian Somerfield Yes C 3
1542 Recycling Points Richard England Yes C 3
1541 Box Clever Susan Denham Yes C 15
1540 On The Run Richard England Yes C 7
1539 Board With Primes? Susan Denham Yes C 8
1538 Six Factors Richard England Yes C 20
1537 A Name Game Susan Denham Yes C 20
1536 List Of Primes Richard England Yes C 11
1535 Back To Front Bob Walker Yes C 15
1534 Head Start Susan Denham Yes C 12
1533 Roman Grid Richard England Yes C 11
1532 Just Reflecting Bob Walker Yes C 13
1531 The Year In Question Susan Denham Yes C 4